Job Search

Questions you asked in the 'Industry Insights & Migrant Talent' project

Where do I start to find a job?
Before you start searching for work, make a plan to stay healthy and well.
Migration is hard. Job searching can be even harder. It can take longer that you expect.
Self-care is important so that job searching doesn’t deflate your energy and confidence. Confidence is important when job searching, so look after your mental and physical health.
Being active in the Migrant Network Tasmania is one way to ensure that you don’t go it alone.

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Can I interview for jobs whilst overseas?
It’s possible to submit applications and interview remotelyHowever, hiring from overseas is not common in Tasmania. 
A wider talent pool is technically a benefit for an employer, however it’s not often worth the additional risk, time and complexity that hiring internationally represents for small to medium businesses 
Exceptions to this may include: 
  • Recruiting to meet critical supply-demand gaps (e.g. medical staff in rural areas)  
  • Recruiting senior executives of multinational companies (e.g. mining)
  • Recruiting specialist talent (e.g. niche academic) 
All recruitment is costly, and poor recruitment outcomes are very costly and disruptive in a business.  
Someone with less experience or qualifications who has been tested in the local industry may be assessed as less of a business risk because there’s more proof of skills in a comparable context, and any skill gaps can be anticipated and weighed up, rather than the risk of surprise performance problems.   
It’s your job to make it easy for an employer to see how hiring you is no more risk, time or complexity compared to other candidates 
How and when are 'Thank you's' important?
Don’t waste an opportunity to stand out and build positive regard. Note what you have learned from the opportunity and their time. Thank them for it soon as you an afterwards (less than 24 hours). Courtesy is never wasted. 
If you’ve spoken to the position contact point to clarify an aspect of the position, send a brief thank you email. 
The purpose can also include confirmation that you are applying, and one key message about your skills. 
For example: 
Subject line: Thanks for your time and insights today
“Dear [Name], 
Thank you for your time this afternoon clarifying details of the position [title].  
I love [something about the role /company] and would love to contribute my [top skill or experience].
I look forward to applying for the position, and thank you for your insights helped  my understanding of [topic of conversation]. 
If you’re done an interview, send a thank you email. The purpose can also include reiterating your key skill, and commitment to the organisation. 
For example:
Subject line: Thank you for the interview today
“Dear [Name/s – how they introduced themselves], 
Thank you for the opportunity to interview for the position [title] today. 
It was great to learn more about [the position/ company] and it sounds like a [positive characteristic] role. 
My [top skill / experience] would help me make a contribution to this [team/ program], especially since [something they said].
Thank you again for the opportunity. If I can provide any further information or referee details please don’t hesitate to contact me on [email or mobile].
You will adapt your email according to how formal a work culture and recruitment process is.
For a less formality – Make it briefer. Your salutation may be a ‘hello [Name]’. Colloquial phrases such as ‘I’m happy to give more info’ may be acceptable. 
For more formality – You will spell out the exact job title, date of the interview, names of all panel members. Enthusiasm still does not warrant exclamation marks, emoticons.  
Where do I look for jobs when I arrive?

The hiring process is like a sales funnel; many leads are required to close one sale.

Employers need to cast the net wide so they have the best talent pool to recruit from. Job seekers need to cast the net wide for positions so they have the best chance of a lead resulting in a job.

To find more jobs use a proactive approach (engaging potential employers, industry peers and recruiters to find out about positions before they are advertised) as well as a reactive approach (responding to advertised positions).

Examples of where you can look for jobs (reactive approach):

  • Job boards and Linked In – set up search alerts for your profile
  • Career pages of companies you’re interested in – you’re following them on Linked In
  • Industry bodies – you have a schedule for checking their career platforms

Examples of where you can look for jobs (proactive approach):

  • Email lists – you belong to your professional association, and have subscribed to relevant groups
  • Engage your local networks – tell people know what you are looking for and how they can help
  • Establish industry networks – find out where other people have found jobs

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I'm good at -- but there's no jobs in --, what should I do? 

Firstly, make sure you are triangulating your information to factcheck assumptions. That means make career decisions based on more than one source of information.  

To learn about what you’re good at: 

  • Learn how to articulate the value of your experience or skills (e.g. work with a career development practitioner) 
  • Explore other types of jobs you can apply for with you strengths and transferrable skills (e.g. seek out a mentor to reflect on different career paths)
  • Compare your career profiles to see your application in context with peers (e.g. talk with a recruiterdo Linked In research) 

To learn about the job market:  

  • What is the condition of the industry in Tasmania (e.g. learn about Tasmanian economy)  
  • What is the supply and demand for different skills (e.g. graduates vs senior workers) 
  • What have you learnt about jobs from people in the industry (e.g. recent and established hires) 

If there’s you want to work in the local job market when there limited or highly competitive job market for your desired position, consider: 

  • Are you more likely to get that position outside of Hobart 
  • Are you able to take a lower position in the industry to step up later? 
  • Are you able to combine your skill with something else to take a side step?  
  • If you do unrelated work to secure an income, can you still participate in career development so that you maintain the value of your qualifications, experience, skills, networks? 
  • Do you want to start fresh thinking about career paths by going back to your interests?
When do I explain my visa?

You don’t need to mention visa status in your resume. 

You may mention it in a cover letter, or more likely in interview as relevant to the position. 

Don’t expect employers to understand visas, it’s your job to explain it.

Employers want to know things like:

  • that you have the right to work
  • the hours you’re permitted to work
  • when you’ll need a new visa
  • that you’re on a pathway to permanent residency and not a holiday hire they’ll have to replace after training you 

Job Market

What are the chances of landing a job in line with my profession?

Chances of landing a job in line with your profession reflects the interaction between: 

  • the needs of the local job market (supply and demand) 
  • your ability to connect-the-dots for employers (demonstrating your value to their business) 
  • what you’re willing to invest to get a job in line with your profession (how soon, at what cost)   

Some people travel the world to find job market where they can perform in their specific industry. Others adapt their career to enable them to work within the local job market of a specific part of the world. It’s a personal decision.  

In both situations the job seeker demonstratethat they will add more value to the business than other candidates.

This is partly career development so that you have local and recent evidence demonstrating the desired skills, and partly application skills so that you can connect-the-dots for the employer to see how hiring you is the best move for their business 

How much time and money you are willing to invest in your career development and applications is also a personal decisionIf your migration strategy relies on your career, then it is prudent to invest in yourself and the application process. 

Examples of investing in your career development 

  • Consulting recruiters to understand the jobs that are most aligned with your qualifications 
  •  LinkedIn research of people doing those jobs to understand their qualifications and pathway 
  • Seeking a coaching from a career development practitioner about a transition to a new career 

Examples of investing in the application process: 

  • Activating networks to have feedback on your application from a native speaker 
  • Activating networks to have industry specific feedback on your application 
  • Taking your draft application to a career development professional to learn how to improve it 

It’s risky to assume that your qualification or previous job will translate into another job market without any investment in career development.  

If you have more questions consider joining the Skilled Migration webinars hosted by the State Government.

Where are jobs located around Tasmania?

More than half of jobs are in regional Tasmania. So don’t be limit yourself to Hobart and Launceston.

The National Skills Commission publishes data on where people look for jobs. However, different industries have different patterns.

For example, directly engaging business owners in hospitality is more usual, but applying online would be more usual for a government job.

Subscribe to newsletters and follow on social media industry associations and professional bodies in Tasmania to find out about jobs that may not be advertised on Seek or the Mercury Newspaper because they can get enough quality applications from their own audience.

The Australian Public Service has jobs in Tasmania for Federal Departments with a physical presence in Tasmania. Other jobs are senior roles where the candidate can live anywhere in Australia.

Tasmanian Government Job Alerts can help you see the trends by the number of positions advertised across different departments.

For example, health and human services vacancies with hospitals, mental health, allied health and child protection.

Local councils are also government employers in Tasmania. Use the directory and bookmark the relevant career pages.

How can I get a junior role when only senior roles are offered?

Sometimes a senior role is advertised because that’s what the business needs right now. In that instance, the level of seniority is mandatory. Example situations:

  • A role has minimal supervision
  • A position that is a role model to junior staff
  • A position serving a project or change or team where there’s limited room for error or delay

Sometimes a senior role is advertised because it’s preferred but not mandatory if they were unable to source a senior. In that instance, a junior with exceptional skills may be considered.

Ask why the position is senior role to understand the business needs, and if there any circumstances where a junior would be welcome to apply.

For example, consider:

  • How can you demonstrate that you use the team well to learn safely and quickly on the job?
  • How can you demonstrate that you are aware of and a plan for your skill gaps?
  • How will you stand out from all the other juniors as someone that can ‘step up’?

If you are seeking feedback about an unsuccessful position, ask how many of the applicants were senior so you can assess the supply and demand of seniors for that type of position.

How to find out ways the pandemic changed the job market?

To understand how the job market has been changed by the pandemic, you need to follow your industry with newsletter subscriptions, Linked In and social media the industry bodies for news about funding initiatives that are part of the government response to the pandemic. 

Business Tasmania lists Tasmanian industry bodies.  

The January 2021 Vacancy Report published by The National Skills Commission notes that job advertisements increased in Australia, with Tasmania recording the strongest increase in recruitment activity, up by 36.6% or 550 job advertisements. 

For a month by month vacancy report Regional Australia Institute updates a map of the industry and job types advertised in Australian regions. 

What jobs are needed to recover from the pandemic?

Skills Shortages in Tasmania are published by the Department of Education, Skills and Employment. 


Industries with skill shortages are profiled by Skills Tasmania.  


The National Skills Commission publishes information by location so you can see the snapshot of Tasmania’s top industries and occupations. 


Existing jobs combined with new skills are meeting the demands created by the pandemic. Emerging Occupations reported by the National Skills Commission are across seven key areas.

Recruitment Agency

What are recruitment companies looking for?

Recruitment agencies are looking for a candidate that will delight the business that is paying them to source top talent. 


Their reputation and future business is on the line each time they decide who to shortlist for a business. 


Recruitment companies get to know the business they are working with because they know a successful placement is not just matching the skills to the job. It is also about matching the candidate with the desired values and culture of the business. 


For more information see the Finding Jobs page.


How can networking help me?
Employers reduce the risk of hiring someone unknown and untested by looking for talent internally, and by asking trusted employees and networks if they know anyone that’d fit their business.
Having networks that can vouch for you helps you compete for a position alone. Advertised positions yield many applications which increases the competition for you. It also increases the work, time and money required by the employer. 
Networking is about who knows you, not just who you know or what you know.  
So whilst you do job market research learning about the industry from interviewing people, and whilst you get involved in the community, you are cultivating broad networks who know and trust you as a professional.
Where do I start networking?
Research organisations that you would like to work for, and the people you’d like to connect with.
Use LinkedIn, industry websites, business websites and professional associations.
Request an informational interview. You’re are learning from them to plan your next steps, you are not asking them for a job. 
It could be a coffee, a Zoom, or a lunch break date. Eitherway, a good informational interview means they were glad to have helped you out, you learnt unwritten industry knowledge, and you have shared your skills and passions. You want to be memorable. 
Take an interest with good questions about their career path, current role and aspirations. Take notes, demonstrate you’ve done your homework.
How do I network to find jobs through referral?
Where possible, find people and network with them via email before making a contact request on LinkedIn. You can do this by:
  • reading research and emailing the authors
  • reading industry news and emailing report authors
  • monitoring professional association activities and emailing those involved or appointed to serve.
  • emailing congratulations to those recognised with awards in your industry

Having identified who you want to connect with, look up their business and relevant work email address. After email correspondence, request a LinkedIn connection to stay in touch. 

This will help you stand out in the crowd of random and lazy LinkedIn contact requests who represent no interest or value. 

Budget time and money for networking activities:
  • Money to attend professional development
  • Money to attending professional events
  • Time to review and respond to industry posts
  • Time to review industry information to identify people to network with
How do I get confidence?
Your mind-set can give you confidence. And practice gives you confidence.   
Mind-set: What you tell yourself matters. Too much pressure stops you participating and learning. Instead, remember that: 
  • You are not alone – many people feel awkward with their networking skills 
  • People are thinking about themselves almost all of the time – be curious about them 
  • Progress rather than perfection – every event you attend can be a success if you learn from it 
Practice: To feel confident when it matters most you need to have practiced in many other situations. 
Lower risk ways to develop your networking skills: 
  • Networking events with your alumni of newcomers (when you can ask for feedback) 
  • Public events that will attract a diverse range of participants (because you test out your skills) 
  • Invitation to social event where you can learn from other attendees professional story and network (many people (not all) are happy to talk about their professional life at social events) 
How can I practice networking?
Practice in a wide range of social contexts to feel confident with accents, speed of social interactions, industry jargon, local slang and humour. 
Set small goals before a professional networking event to  turn it into practice. For example:
  • I want to initiate three small talk conversations
  • I want to practice letting people know what opportunity I’m looking for
  • I want to find the right moment to give out my business card
  • I want to remember someone’s name and story and introduce them to someone else
Reflection transforms experience into learning. After a networking event ask yourself: 
  • who did I meet that networked well?
  • what did they do, how did they do it?
  • was there anything that was a “turn off”
How can I email people directly?
People are busy, and their inbox is full of work to do.
So, be clear why you’re connecting and what you’re asking of them. For example: 
Hello ____, It was great to meet you at ___ on ____. I was interested by what you said about ____. Do you have any advice for someone like me interested in learning more about ____? Eitherway, I’d love to connect with you on LinkedIn to learn from a Tasmanian perspective of ___ industry. 
Even better, share information or a connection that might be of interest to them. For example:
Hello ___, it was great to read about ____ in ____. I thought you might be interested in ____/ interested in meeting ____ who impresses me by ____. Eitherway, I’d love to connect on LinkedIn to keep learning from your perspective as a Tasmanian ___.
Examples of shared interests include: 
  • You went to an event together 
  • You are interested in the same job or industry 
  • You volunteer in a similar position or business 
  • You share a passion  
  • You have both commented on an industry report
  • You both know a shared connection
Do I need LinkedIn?
Yes, you need to use LinkedIn, and use it well. 
Even if your industry doesn’t hire through LinkedIn, your profile helps you curate networks across industries in Tasmania. 
Networking is powerful when it activates the contacts of your contacts. If your contact talks to a third contact about you, they will check your LinkedIn profile.
LinkedIn gives you a place to include information that you cannot fit on your resume. So complete your profile and ask a native English speaker to review it to check the professional tone and ease of reading. 
LinkedIn also has other resources to support your job search such as weekly Get Hired Australia newsletter that you can subscribe too. 
Can I start networking whilst overseas?
Yes, the time to build a network is before you need it. Start now.
Networking is about reciprocal relationships. It only works when you know enough about each other to add value each other.
This is especially important when you are networking whilst overseas.  
How can I contribute to networks from overseas?
You can still contribute to connections whilst overseas:
  • You interact with their posts
  • You share review of micro credentials
  • You offer to answer any Q about your organisation / country / sector 
  • You share ports to raise awareness about key issues
  • You introduce connections to each other who have a shared interest
  • You share content of interest to your connections.
How can I get a reference as a newcomer?
Decide where to take some responsibility and contributeIt may be paid or voluntary work.
Eitherway, your contribution helps an organisation or team to accomplish something
Ideally, this is with the direction or guidance of a supervisor.  
This person could be your referee as they can describe the nature, scope, duration and quality of your contribution.
They will be asked to comment on personal qualities, transferrable skills, and any job-specific skills demonstrated.
So you want to nominate someone who has seen you perform well, and who is willing to vouch for you.   
Hiring managers rely on referees to confirm technical skills, but also to find out how you relate to others, respond to direction and feedback, manage stress and so on. 
Should I join networks in other industries?
Yes, many professionals can work across many industries.
If your network it too narrow, it becomes an echo chamber and it doesn’t add value 
Broader networks means that the information and connections that you have could add valuable perspectives, events, or information for other connections in different sectors. 
Broader networks also means that you can use ideas or expertise that you would not otherwise have access too 
When networking between sectors, be ready to articulate your shared interest and what you are looking for.
For example, if an accountant building networks in agriculture industry you might relay:
“Agriculture is vital industry in Tasmania, and I’m looking for opportunities to contribute my accounting and business training, so I want to learn about this industry and network so that I’m ready for any job opportunity”.
Most important, follow through. Engage with posts, ask questions, get to know who currently performs the jobs that you’re interested in in those types of businesses. Offer to do work shadowing to learn so that you could help for an upcoming peak times, or cover a period of holiday relief.
How can I network beyond LinkedIn?
Yes, local networks complement your LinkedIn networking. 
You can be known and trusted by a broad range of local people from a broad range of industries by participating in:  
  • Sporting clubs
  • Religious groups
  • Clubs related to hobbies
  • Groups advancing a community cause
As you contribute in these local contexts, people get to know and like you, and they get to see and trust your skills.
So when they know that you’re looking for opportunities, their local networks are activated as an extension of your own.  


Questions you asked that were beyond the scope of the 'Industry Insights & Migrant Talent' project

I have an idea for a small business
MRC Tas is interested in supporting migrants to reach their potential, and can link you with services that help you explore your small business idea.
  • Business South has webinars and free consultations for those considering a business idea.
  • Business Tasmania has information for people starting and growing business in Tasmania.
  • Business.Gov.Au runs regular webinars about starting a business in Australia.
I have feedback about the migration program
MRC Tas is interested to understanding your experience, however is not responsible for migration programs.
You may wish to provide direct feedback:
How can I get more customers?
MRC Tas is interested in supporting migrants to reach their potential, and can link you with services to support your small business. For example:
I have a question about borders and travel exemptions
MRC Tas is not responsible for borders, travel restrictions and travel exemptions.
Find up-to-date and authoritative information from the Department of Home Affairs.

You're invited to share questions and answers below to create a reservoir of collective knowledge for the network.

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    About MRC Tas

    Migrant Resource Centre Tasmania (MRC Tas) is a not-for-profit organisation that has been supporting people from migrant and humanitarian backgrounds to settle successfully in Tasmania since 1979.

    About Migrant network tasmania

    Migrant Network Tasmania draws on the goodwill, stories and tips of migrants and the wider community to help fellow migrants to establish lives and careers in Tasmania.

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