Transport & Logistics
Transport and Logistics contributes 6.1% of Tasmania’s GSP and directly employs around 12,800 Tasmanians.

Transport & Logistics
Industry Overview
Tasmania’s Transport and Logistics industry enables both community online shopping expectations, and the economic performance of other industries such as residential building (Skills Tasmania sector overview).
The Tasmanian Transport and Logistics industry includes the following sectors: Rail, Road, and Aviation and Maritime & Ports sectors. (Transport and Logistics TAS 2019)
Transport and Logistics contribute 6.1% of Tasmania’s GSP and directly employs around 12,800 Tasmanians.
3.3% employment growth is projected across the industry to 2023, with volumes transported on key Tasmanian freight routes projected to double by 2030.
The National Freight and Supply Chain Strategy National Action Plan has committed to ‘work with industry to build diversity in the freight sector to address short-term and long-term workforce needs’ (Freight Australia, 2019)
Tasmania’s Transport and Logistics
Orientate to the Tasmanian industry with information from the Logistics Information and Navigation Centre:
- Air transport moves high-value, highly perishable goods to market (e.g. live lobsters).
- Road transport is essential link freight to boat, rail or air transport.
- Sea transport 99% of Tasmania’s domestic and international exports travel via 5 main ports.
- Rail network has containerized freight transported by rail 7 days a week between Burnie and Hobart.
- Services to the Transport and Logistics Industry such as warehousing are just as critical as the transport.
- Cold Chain Logistics is the transport of Tasmania’s premium fresh meat, seafood, fruits, vegetables, and even pharmaceuticals.

Transport & Logistics
Entry level position
Entry level positions may not require any post-school qualifications.
Vocational qualifications
- Nationally recognised Transport and Logistics training package
- MySkills Course Search lists the transport and logistics units delivered in Tasmania by Registered Training Organisations.
- Business may employ younger workers in apprenticeships or traineeships.

Transport & Logistics
Career Development
Explore jobs
- Learn about other positions in the industry from Job Outlook to consider where experience can take you.
- Learn about other skills and positions in the transport and logistics industry at MySkills.
- Read the Evolution of skills in transport and logistics to prepare for the jobs of the future.
Skills assessment
- Free skills gap assessment to help plan professional development for members of Supply Chain and Logistics Association of Australia.
Learn about topical industry issues
- Read white papers published by the Supply Chain and Logistics Association of Australia.
- Read Infra Structure magazine’s Tasmanian news
- On the Move newsletter.
- Mentoring via the Supply Chain and Logistics Association of Australia.
Safety skills
- Become familiar with the Work Safe Tasmania resources for the Transport and Logistics industry.

Transport & Logistics
Tasmanian professional associations
- The Tasmanian Transport Association advises assists, and represents the Tasmanian Transport Industry in the pursuit of a safe, efficient, fair, and environmentally friendly transport system.
- Tasmania Bus Association intends to promote the Tasmanian bus industry in partnership with the Government.
- The Tasmanian Polar Network is a group of businesses and scientific organizations based in Tasmania, Australia, that all have a common focus on serving commercial and scientific activity in the Antarctic, sub-Antarctic and Southern Ocean.
Australian professional associations
- Australian Furniture Removals Association
- Australian Logistics Council
- Australian Trucking Association
- Supply Chain and Logistics Association of Australia has a VIC/TAS Division and a newsletter.
- The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport has education and networking events.
Worker unions
- Transport Workers Union advocates on behalf of members for safety and wages rates.
- Maritime Union Australia
- United Workers Union membership is open to supply chain and logistics workers.

Transport & Logistics
What Employers Want
Examples of from job advertisements
- Clean driving record and minimum of 12 months driving experience
- Medium rigid licence
- Forklift licence
- Customer service skills
- National police check
- Influenza vaccination
- Ability to work flexible days and hours
- Pre-employment medical with drug and alcohol screening.
- Commitment to safety
- Physical fitness and manual handling techniques
Skills identified by employers:
The Transport and Logistics IRC’s 2019 Skills Forecast identifies the top priority skills in the Transport and Logistics sector as:
- Health and safety
- Operational skills
- Compliance
- Digital skills
The top transferrable skills in order of importance are listed as:
- Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN)
- Managerial / Leadership
- Technology
- Learning agility / Information literacy / Intellectual autonomy and self-management (adaptability)
- Design mindset / Thinking critically / System thinking / Solving problems.

Transport & Logistics
Finding Jobs in Tasmania
Job Active is the Australian Government job board curating jobs from many sources.
Other jobs boards include Seek, Career One, Indeed, and Jora. Gumtree Jobs is a community noticeboard with entry-level positions.
Tasmanian Government transport jobs are listed here.
- The Advocate (North West Tasmania)
- The Examiner (North Tasmania)
- The Mercury (South Tasmania)
Jobs in demand
Transport and logistics skills in-demand in 2021 according to Hays Recruiting company include the following:
- Warehouse Managers for approximately 15 team members
- Fleet Controllers for company-owned and sub-contractor drivers
- Transport Operations Managers for domestic road transport
Skill shortages
There are skill shortages with entry-level opportunities and skilled positions for advancement because the industry has an ageing workforce.
80% of employer respondents reporting a skills shortage in the last 12 months in the Transport and Logistics IRC’s 2019 Skills Forecast (Australian Industry and Skills Committee 2020) for:
- Heavy vehicle drivers
- Drivers (general)
- Educators, trainers and assessors
- Warehousing managers

Transport & Logistics
Job Seeker Tips
Learn local industry terms
For each relevant job that comes from your search alerts, visit the company career page and download the statement of duties and application pack.
Whether or not you wish to apply for that position, review it learn more about job families and expectations. Check your understanding of terms with your local industry networks, and/ or refer to the Glossary of Supply Chain Terms.
Understand how your skills fit into the future of the industry
Australian Industry Standards published a Skill Forecast 2020 for Transport and Logistics which sets out industry trends and the skills for the future.
Use this knowledge to shape questions when:
- Networking
- Researching companies
- In interviews to demonstrate an understanding of the industry
The value of furthering your skills
Technology is causing structural changes to the industry. The need for combining technical with business or postgraduate skills has grown.
The report on the occupational and education trends in supply chain and logistics (Deloitte Access Economics 2018) highlights advice about broader career pathways and lists examples of skilled positions in the industry:
- Importers Exporters and Wholesalers
- Manufacturers
- Production and Supply Distribution Managers
- General Manager (Transport, Postal and Warehousing industry)
Career planning
Understanding industry trends set our in the supply chain value web report (Deloitte University Press) can broaden your ability to identify suitable positions to apply for, or it can inform your career planning.
Note the preference to develop senior talent rather than recruit it, so the company you work for may be more important than your initial position title.

The Migrant Network acknowledges the invaluable input from the industry, in particular Sharon Brewer from Hays Recruiting Tasmania.
"There is a hope to find a job in Tas"
Skilled Migrant 26 February 2021
Skilled Migrant 26 February 2021
tell us what you think
About MRC Tas
Migrant Resource Centre Tasmania (MRC Tas) is a not-for-profit organisation that has been supporting people from migrant and humanitarian backgrounds to settle successfully in Tasmania since 1979.
About Migrant network tasmania
Migrant Network Tasmania draws on the goodwill, stories and tips of migrants and the wider community to help fellow migrants to establish lives and careers in Tasmania.