What's New
News for Migrant Network Tasmania members

Fabulous news that our private LinkedIn group of Migrant Network members has reached 500 members.
“The best thing to see has been the migrants helping other migrants by sharing opportunities, encouraging others and introducing themselves to others” says Senior Settlement Officer Diana.
Together with staff and ally employers and stakeholders, content shared has included career workshops, industry networking opportunities, and the top quality Career Coaching tips published by our generous ally Rupert French.
The February Meet Up is hosted by Diana Flores and Irene Mukiira with the generous contribution of Rupert French.
You’ll hear some migrant stories about starting / re-starting a career in Tasmania.
Rupert will coach us in how to have ready our directory of achievements to make job applications across our career easier.
You’ll be able to ask questions and network.
The Meet Up is face-to-face in Glenorchy (and linked to a face-to-face meet up in Launceston) from 2:00 – 4:00 pm.
Registration is essential for COVID safety as numbers are limited.
For more information ask for Diana on 6221 0999.
Career Coaching with expert volunteer David O’Halloran has started for 2022.
This year we’ll cycle through popular topics. These topics are the springboard to your questions.
So come with questions, and examples of your resume or applications if you’d like to use it for the group to learn from feedback and discussion.
More information and registrations are on the MRC Tas Events Page.
Multicultural community members from any migration background are welcome to visit the Career Coaching group as needed.
The group targets job seekers with have enough English to engage with employers. The group suits those on a pathway to skilled positions.
If you are still working on your English or towards an entry level position please contact us for an individual consultation.
The Migrant Employment Program is supported by the Tasmanian Government.
Migrant Network member and Career Coaching volunteer Moon presents what she’s learnt from Career Coaching series to fellow Mandarin speakers.
What: Exchange learnings and tips for career development in Tasmania.
When: 11:50 am – 2:30 pm, Saturday 7 August 2021
Where: Level 1, KGV Sports and Community Centre, 1a Anfield Street, Glenorchy.
How: An initiative of the Migrant Network Tasmania. Register here by 5:00 pm, Friday 6 August.
Thank you: Snacks generously provided by the Chinese Cultural Society Tasmania and Minnie’s Kitchen.
My name is Lauren and I am part of the team at Think HQ, a communications agency based in Melbourne, who are currently working on the Department of Social Services ‘Life Changing Life’ Campaign – a recruitment campaign aimed at encouraging more Australians to consider a career in disability, aged care, and veteran support care.
As part of the campaign we are wanting to profile real people in the industry who can tell their stories; including those who work in in-home aged and disability support care and those who they support. We are hoping to have a case study to represent each of the following language/community groups:
- Mandarin
- Cantonese
- Punjabi (English option)
- Hindi (English option)
- Tagalog (English option)
- Spanish
- Korean
- Nepali
- Tamil
We are able to travel across Australia to film case studies, and would love to ensure we have representation in Tasmania. I was wondering if you might know of any support workers who might be interested in this opportunity?
Each individual in the case study would receive $500 for their time. As it is for a government campaign, we will also require some forms to be filled out, and a police check, however we will reimburse all costs associated.
Many Thanks,
0488 534 201
There are jobs waiting in Southern Tasmania for people to work as a:
These jobs are an opportunity to start in the civil construction industry.
To be ready for work, you are healthy and fit. You’re also able to:
- Communicate in English
- Drive to work to start at 7am
- Work full time
To be ready for employer-matching, you will do workshops and assessments focusing on:
- Career advice & support
- Communication techniques
- Interpersonal interactions
- Safety in the construction sector
- Accredited training ‘tickets’/ licences
Training for tickets and personal protective equipment (PPE) is free for candidates assessed as ready for employers.
Migrants on temporary visas, permanent residents and citizens from multicultural communities are eligible. Both men and women are encouraged to apply.
Antony generously shared his story about starting in civil construction. (If you wish to share a migrant story about your work experience, please let us know!).
This project is delivered in partnership with Searson Buck and is funded by Skills Tasmania’s Energising Tasmania Training Fund.
To express interest, phone the Settlement Team on 03 6221 0999 or email settlement@mrctas.org.au
Photo by: Migrant Network Meet Up June 2021
"[Most helpful was] help to prepare an interview which I was suffering from", skilled migrant, 29 July 2021.
About MRC Tas
Migrant Resource Centre Tasmania (MRC Tas) is a not-for-profit organisation that has been supporting people from migrant and humanitarian backgrounds to settle successfully in Tasmania since 1979.
About Migrant network tasmania
Migrant Network Tasmania draws on the goodwill, stories and tips of migrants and the wider community to help fellow migrants to establish lives and careers in Tasmania.