"Believe in yourself and have a positive attitude"

Customer Service & Business Ownership

We spoke with Ankita, who has had many successful careers, here and overseas. Ankita shared her stories and advise for other looking for jobs in Australia.

Ankita’s background and work experiences

My name is Ankita, and I have a customer service background. Currently I am working as a contact centre claims consultant. In this role I handle enquiries and complains for the company, mainly via email. Previously I worked as a hospital pharmacist in India, but when I moved I had some difficulty getting certified here. Instead I started working in other areas like fruit shops and shopping centres. Shortly after this I began to work in customer service and enjoyed the work, so continued to look for these jobs. I have lived in Australia for over 6 years, with 2.5 of them in Melbourne. I feel like since I have moved my English has greatly improved.

What type of work were you hoping for when moving to Australia?

Originally I moved hoping for a role working in a pharmacy, but couldn’t find one. So I started looking for work anywhere and got a job in shops, and then customer service. I a friend had told me that I would be able to get a job as a pharmacy assistant while I did further certifications. However, I had to already have the certification to work in a pharmacy, and then also had to work in a pharmacy to complete the certification. So I was unable to do that.

I have also started my own small, mobile skin care business. My business supports people to choose appropriate products for their skin, and give advice about things such as wrinkles and sunspots. I also have plant-based products available. I am in the process of starting an Instagram page to spread information and advertise my business. It is my goal for the business to be part-time and my sole form of income in the future. I didn’t have too much difficulty starting my own business in Australia, the process was easy. The hardest part is finding clients, as I am still getting started.

On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being difficult and 5 being easy) how easy was the job searching and application process?

I would say, 2-3. When I first moved to Australia I was unsure of how to apply for jobs, so originally I went to places and gave them my resume in person. Since then, I have begun to use to seek and other online search engines. My advice for this is to just keep trying and never give up. 

I felt very prepared for the job application process. I used the knowledge of others, educational videos and resources I found on linked in to prepare for interviews. With this information I felt very prepared for job interviews. However, I did find one on one and video interviews more challenging.

On a scale of 1 to 5 (1= not happy, 5= very happy) how to you feel in your current roles?

I am very happy in my customer service job, so I would say 4/5. With my personal business I would say 4-5/5, as I am happy with my plan and current progress.

Do you have any advice you’d like to give others moving to Australia?

Believe in yourself and have a positive attitude and mindset.

Photo Credit: Photo by LumenSoft Technologies on Unsplash 

About MRC Tas

Migrant Resource Centre Tasmania (MRC Tas) is a not-for-profit organisation that has been supporting people from migrant and humanitarian backgrounds to settle successfully in Tasmania since 1979.

About Migrant network tasmania

Migrant Network Tasmania draws on the goodwill, stories and tips of migrants and the wider community to help fellow migrants to establish lives and careers in Tasmania.

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